Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Real Estate Lead Capturing

Do you want to make your motivated lead capturing more efficient and run without your presence? I do and I've been searching for a way to do it. In the recent past there weren't many choices but today there are many. There are high-dollar solutions and cheap, get-you-by template systems. I have a moderate budget and I'm looking for something about mid-grade.

The main thing is that I want a site that I can send pay-per-click traffic to. This allows me to control the influx of traffic and the motivated seller leads I capture. I believe the other key is having an appealing looking site so that when leads get there they understand that I am a reputable business. I tried to create my own site once and I just don't have the skills to make it look polished. Now that I have a great looking portal I need it to be managable by me. Meaning that I want to be able to control the content without having to rely on a high-tech geek. The last issue is that I must have a way to deliver ongoing content to the motivated seller leads received. I know that I could use a 3rd party autoresponder but wouldn't it be nice if I could do it all from my own site?

I was seriously stoked when I found a set of investor websites that I was looking for. It's affordable too! it has the 3 "must haves" that were my requirements:

1. Excellent look
2. I don't need a geek to manage it
3. It has a built-in autoresponder

EZWebSolutions sells this series of investor websites that has a solution for buying properties, selling houses and seeking private lenders. Doesn't that cover all the bases? Well, it might be nice if there was a site that allowed me to sell properties to other investors but for now this is a perfect fit. The normal price for each of their sites is $197 but I've found that they are offering a discount right now where each site is just $97 and you can get discounts on multiple sites.

Wouldn't you know that I seemed to have found them at just the right time too! They just added this cutting edge technology that allows you to put up a squeeze page with the click of a button. I'm not kidding! It can be enabled with a checkbox in the administrative console. It uses the new Thickbox technology and has really allowed me to increase the number of motivated seller leads I'm capturing.

I hope this information is useful. it's a goldmine for my business and now I won't do business without these sites anytime in the near future.

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