Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Donald Who? Becoming A Real Estate Tycoon

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By Jim Nettleton

You’ve heard it a million times – most of America’s millionaires made their money in real estate. The reason this old adage gets repeated as often as it does is because it’s true.

Real estate provides an individual with the best possible set of scenarios with which to gain wealth. Not only can wealth be obtained, but it can be obtained quickly. A well thought out investing plan can potentially make an individual independently wealthy in less than a year.

Now, don’t panic. You don’t have to have a boatload of money to get your train out of the station. As a matter of fact, you don’t need any money at all to get started. If you play your cards right, you might not have to layout a penny of your own funds to build a true real estate empire.

Creative real estate investing has been at the forefront for many years now and with today’s market conditions, it shows absolutely no signs of slowing down. In fact, these tough economic times are, in many ways, the best of all times for real estate investors.

The downturn on a national level has opened many avenues that have always existed much wider in the past two or three years. The older, traditional methods of acquiring properties still work, of course. However, they don’t work very quickly. Purchasing properties with the intent of holding them and receiving rent from tenants can indeed make you wealthy. But it’s going to take a long time to do so and, along the way, there are countless headaches to deal with. Legal problems, tax problems, unhappy tenants, deadbeat tenants, repairs, destructive tenants, and the list goes on and on.

If you’re after building your cash worth rapidly and doing so without dealing with all those problems inherent in buying and holding onto properties, there are far better ways to do so.

I’ll explain three of the best in the totally free report you can obtain through the link in my resources box below. To give you a brief outline, I’ll explain Tax Lien Certificates and the leverage they can give you; buying and flipping foreclosures and property scouting, one of the easiest of all that requires not a red cent of your own money.

Finally, there is a quick method you can use to find investors in your area who are active in the purchase and/or remodeling of properties. You’ll want to build a database of these individuals to refer to when creating deals that need financial backing. Write down the numbers on all those “We Buy Houses” signs that are all over the place. Check the classifieds for similar advertisements. In most metropolitan areas you should be able to create a database of several dozen such individuals and companies in just a few days time. This can become your most valuable resource.

Good luck and happy investing.

About the author:

Jim Nettleton is a radio and TV professional with wide-ranging interests including a passionate interest in real estate. Get his totally free and informative report, “Secret Real Estate Income Streams Revealed” here: http://www.jaynetinc.com/RealEstate

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